Sunday, February 26, 2012

My Bad!!

I can't believe that I have let six weeks go by without letting you know that I am  alive, if not very well right now.  But more on that later.  Back to where we left off.....

When last we spoke, I was in Vancouver, catching up with friends.  I did that for another few days - lunches, teas, drinks, whatever meal worked, and on January 21, I went back to Palm  Springs, this time with the Vancouver bridge group in tow.  Tom, John and Dennis had been talking for a long time about coming to Palm Springs to see what I was raving about, and we finally found a date when we were all available - and which coordinated with a seat sale.  Amazing how quickly the time passes in the airport when you can play bridge while you are waiting!

Here we all are playing bridge in Palm Springs! 

We did actually go out and explore a bit:  Shermans for a deli brunch one day, and Lulu's for dinner with Art and Wally, and even downtown for shopping.  And John actually got in a long run, just to say he could......

As always, the bridge and conversation were great, and now at least the guys know why I rave about the desert!

The next month in Palm Springs went by in a blur.  I got back into the routine of going to the gym  for an hour and a half every day, and playing bridge with Art two or three days a week, visiting with friends, and just generally enjoying being in the sunshine.

And then the excitement started.

As you all know, I have a view to die for from  my patio.  There are only 11 houses on the ridge including mine, and pretty nearly everyon - includinf me - e is going to be carried off the ridge in a pine box.  There was only one person who might sell, and I had told everyone who would listen that I wanted that house, or, shall I say, friend Mariah wanted the house.  Well, long story short, it came for sale, and as of February 29, Mariah will be its proud owner.  There was a whirlwind of telephone calls and inspections and papers to be filled out, but we are just about there.  I am  so excited, I can hardly stand it!  Mariah and I will finally be neighbors, after 35 years of friendship, sitting around in la la land together (if I can ever get her to retire, that is.....) 

Hank (yes, he of  Nora and Hank's Excellent Adventure) came down to Palm Springs from San Francisco on February 18 for the weekend.  We have taken to spending his birthday together, or as close to his birthday as we can manage, and, as we are both creatures of  habit, we did so again this year, going to Shame on the Moon for a lovely dinner.  (Okay, which one of you rock and roll groupies knows where the name "shame on the moon" comes from?)

And on Sunday, I had a barbeque for 50 people at my house, aside from Christmas dinner the first party I have had since David died.  It was, by all accounts, a roaring success!  See for yourself!

A small sample of the food.

And, finally, Lou, the barbequer par excellence, without whom  it would not have been possible.

So, with all the toing and froing, I almost had to come back to Vancouver to rest, or, at the very least, to replenish my kitty, as I have been spending money like a drunken sailor!

I had to come home anyway.  I don't know whether I have mentioned that in addition to working on contract for the Workers Compensation Appeal Tribunal, I have also been appointed to the Mental Health Review Board (okay, no cracks please!).  They set up their training for February 21, so even though I already had a plane ticket for the 24th, I had to scramble to get one for the 20th.  A more circuitous route for a two hour trip could not have been found.  Hank and I drove to Ontario, California, about an hour west of Palm Springs.  Hank flew out of there for San Francisco.  I followed, flying to Sacramento, changing planes for one to Seattle.  Mariah picked me up in Seattle, and we caught up with each other while she drove me to Bellingham, where friends Donna and Pellham  picked me up to take me to Vancouver.  Time elapsed from  leaving Palm Springs:  13 hours.  Are you tired yet?

But make it home I did, and was bright eyed and bushy tailed for the training the next day.  I am  actually amazingly excited, considering it is supposed to be work.  Well, it is work, but it is a new topic, with lots to learn and new people to meet, and, of course, that remuneration!  So, wish me luck!

And now, there is the usually catching up with job #1, friends and colleagues.  And, back to where we started, which is my saying that I felt truly awful.  I do.  I would love to blame it on the weather - it is snowing today, for gods sake, on top of the rain, wind and cold it has been throwing at me all week.  Really, though, I think I was tired, and the recycled air in the plane got to me, as it sometimes does, and I am  hacking and wheezing and feeling close to death.  However, this too shall pass.

And to close, I have to tell you that I have had an unfortunate reminder that "carpe diem" is my motto.  Got word that a long time friend (have got to get out of the habit of saying "old friend", don't I?) has been diagnosed with leukemia, and is not long for this world.

So, if  I am  repeating myself, I am  sorry, but it is worth repeating.  This is NOT, I repeat, NOT a dress rehearsal.  We do not get to do this again.  So, let us all have a good time while we are here.  Hug your family, hug your friends, have sex, spend money, do whatever it is that makes you happy, because if you are happy, the people areound you will be happy.  All of  us have probably given up the idea that we will find a cure for cancer, or some other such worthwhile thing.  The best we can hope for is to make our cherished few happy.  I'll resolve to try, and you guys can call me on it if I slip.

And, assuming anyone is still listening, I will try to be more diligent about letting you know what I am  up to; I'm  honored that you care!