Check this review out. This is why they write for the paper and I don't. (Their cameras are better too!)
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Bruuuuuce: The Only Boss I'll Listen To
Here's dedication for you. I just spent the last two hours and forty six minutes trying to post this blog, with no success! The good part of the story is that I was able to watch the sunset from the deck; the bad part is that I am not sure whether the site will stay with me. Those of you who know me well enough know that I am frustrated beyond belief when this happens....Oh, well, without further ado.....
It has once again been two weeks since I have posted. Who knows where the time goes. Well, I do, somewhat, it is all those parties and dinners.
Friend Marion and husband Peter invited me for dinner a few weeks ago. It is always nice to see how others live in Palm Springs, and they live in a wonderful apartment within walking distance both from our gym and from downtown.
Food and conversation were wonderful, and it was a lovely evening, the kind you always wish there were more of.
Neighbor Michael is always trying to introduce me to the charms of old Palm Springs - you know, the kind where you expect Frank Sinatra to come out from behind the piano. Herman's is one such place. It is just off the main drag in "downtown" Palm Springs, but hidden behind a gate and lots of lush foliage.
It was about time for me to have another party (it is that kind of a place), so we fired up the barbeque ....
(For the uninitiated, a greyhound is Palm Springs official drink, freshly squeezed grapefruit juice and vodka.)
For a while. That was Sunday. Monday morning, at the crack of dawn, I was on the road to San Francisco. It is really not a bad drive - about 8 1/2 hours - and it it is timed right, one can miss traffic both at the Los Angeles end and the San Francisco end. And so it came to pass, and I arrived at Hank's in time for a pre-dinner drink and a leisurely walk to our now regular haunt, The Alamo Square Bistro (again, foodies take note).
And now, finally, the Bruce part of the adventure begins.
Again, for the unitiated, Hank turned me on to Bruce Springsteen some 10 years ago, and we have been going to the concerts ever since. Here's the drill. We buy General Admission (fondly known as GA's) tickets, which entitled us to stand on the floor of the hall. To do this, we have to arrive at the venue at about 1:00 P.M., and get issued a wrist band. Then, one comes back around 4 hours later, to see if the number of our wrist bands will be selected to be in "the pit", that is, the area closest to the stage.
In San Jose, we don't get lucky, so no entrance to the pit. However, due to a fluke (they want me to check my knitting, so take me in via a separate entrance), I get to be at the rail immediately behind the pit, not a bad spot at all.....
As for the was fabulous, and at 3 hours and 9 minutes, the second longest of the Wrecking Ball tour. I would try to send the set lists and the reviews, but can't risk losing the blog post, so I will leave it to you to follow up if you are interested. All I can say is, when Jon Stewart introduced Springsteen, he said "the guy empties the tank every time", and truer words were never spoken!
So, following along with the complicated logistics, on Wednesday, we drove from San Francisco to Palm Springs, where Hank and I spent the night, before Hank and I drove down to LA for another round of pit action. This time, we are successful (both Thursday and Friday, almost unheard of), and I am elbows on the stage, Bruce looking directly at me, shaking hands with me close.
Again, I'm left speechless by the man's performance, the professionalism, the whole thing. (yes, that's something, isn't it, Nora speechless!). But, you know, standing for 8 hours, three nights in one week, well, I'm getting too old for this stuff. On the other hand, there's Bruce, at 62, sweating buckets, singing his heart out, going across the stage on his knees, jumping on the piano to give "audibles" (calling out tunes not on the set list, which changes every night anyway) to the infamous E Street Band - if he can sing it, I'll be there to listen!
Can you tell I had a great time?
And on Saturday morning I staggered back to Palm Springs, and I have spent the last two days recuperating by the pool!
And, unfortunately, I have another week to recuperate. I say unfortunately because friend David, who was to visit from Vancouver next week, had to cancel because of the death of a friend. I'm sorry - I was looking forward to the visit - but will probably manage to amuse myself somehow.
And all that will be revealed in the fullness of time....
It has once again been two weeks since I have posted. Who knows where the time goes. Well, I do, somewhat, it is all those parties and dinners.
Friend Marion and husband Peter invited me for dinner a few weeks ago. It is always nice to see how others live in Palm Springs, and they live in a wonderful apartment within walking distance both from our gym and from downtown.
A little bit of Europe in Palm Springs
Marion, our gracious hostess....
.....and with Husband Peter....
....and other guest Bruce
Food and conversation were wonderful, and it was a lovely evening, the kind you always wish there were more of.
Neighbor Michael is always trying to introduce me to the charms of old Palm Springs - you know, the kind where you expect Frank Sinatra to come out from behind the piano. Herman's is one such place. It is just off the main drag in "downtown" Palm Springs, but hidden behind a gate and lots of lush foliage.
The bar and the bartender were great... were the martinis...
...but I can't speak to the food - I was pretty wasted by the time I got to it (and yes, Michael was driving - he always does). I hope all you foodies and drink collectors are taking notes....It was about time for me to have another party (it is that kind of a place), so we fired up the barbeque ....
Mar, the barbeque guy par excellence......
Lou, alternate barbeque guy, out of work, has a drink....
....even Carolyn sits down....
Art, doing what he does best....
Mar gets to enjoy the fruits of his labor, and Mariah enjoys his enjoyment....
....and Wally needs another greyhound
(For the uninitiated, a greyhound is Palm Springs official drink, freshly squeezed grapefruit juice and vodka.)
Ultimately, the sun does go down...
....and even the hostess gets to rest!
For a while. That was Sunday. Monday morning, at the crack of dawn, I was on the road to San Francisco. It is really not a bad drive - about 8 1/2 hours - and it it is timed right, one can miss traffic both at the Los Angeles end and the San Francisco end. And so it came to pass, and I arrived at Hank's in time for a pre-dinner drink and a leisurely walk to our now regular haunt, The Alamo Square Bistro (again, foodies take note).
And now, finally, the Bruce part of the adventure begins.
Again, for the unitiated, Hank turned me on to Bruce Springsteen some 10 years ago, and we have been going to the concerts ever since. Here's the drill. We buy General Admission (fondly known as GA's) tickets, which entitled us to stand on the floor of the hall. To do this, we have to arrive at the venue at about 1:00 P.M., and get issued a wrist band. Then, one comes back around 4 hours later, to see if the number of our wrist bands will be selected to be in "the pit", that is, the area closest to the stage.
As for the was fabulous, and at 3 hours and 9 minutes, the second longest of the Wrecking Ball tour. I would try to send the set lists and the reviews, but can't risk losing the blog post, so I will leave it to you to follow up if you are interested. All I can say is, when Jon Stewart introduced Springsteen, he said "the guy empties the tank every time", and truer words were never spoken!
So, following along with the complicated logistics, on Wednesday, we drove from San Francisco to Palm Springs, where Hank and I spent the night, before Hank and I drove down to LA for another round of pit action. This time, we are successful (both Thursday and Friday, almost unheard of), and I am elbows on the stage, Bruce looking directly at me, shaking hands with me close.
Can you tell I had a great time?
And on Saturday morning I staggered back to Palm Springs, and I have spent the last two days recuperating by the pool!
And, unfortunately, I have another week to recuperate. I say unfortunately because friend David, who was to visit from Vancouver next week, had to cancel because of the death of a friend. I'm sorry - I was looking forward to the visit - but will probably manage to amuse myself somehow.
And all that will be revealed in the fullness of time....
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
All this and culture too....
Yes, I do read too (some of you skeptics have been asking yourselves, I am sure....). I have just finished rereading Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. If anything could confirm my libertarian tendencies, that book would do it, but if you agree with her or vehemently disagree, she does write a mean book! (and I mean that it the nicest sort of way).
For lighter reading, I am readying two books of short stories, by Nathan Englander (what we talk about when we talk about Anne Frank) and Sholom Auslander(Hope: A tragedy) both books that only Survivor's children could write! And for a little light porn, I recommend the "grey" series (check the New York Times best seller list, believe it or not!)
I also read the Sunday New York Times every week, the New Yorker magazine, and Art passes on The National Standard, a right wing rag that is less rabid and more thoughtful than most!
So I do spend several hours every day reading. You know, I really believe that Palm Springs is where they should have looked for the fountain of youth. Between the warm dry air and the sunshine, the time to keep your mind going with books and magazines and scrabble and bridge, the good food and the lack of stress - no wonder people live to be 100!
And, to add to the cultural offerings, there was the Metropolitan Opera in the Movies on Saturday. I can't recommend these performances highly enough. For those of you who have managed to escape seeing an opera before this, you really should go. It is the best way to get introduced to the opera. Every seat is a front row seat, they are comfortable, you are surrounded by people who love the opera, the sound is wonderful, you can see every button on the Met's magnificent costumes, and, oh, by the way, did I mention the music? Last week, it was Massenet's Manon, a wonderful production all around. if you want to check out the movie theaters in your area where they are being shown. (Have I said this before? Oh well, it bears repeating!)
There have been the usual dinners out this week.... we had drinks on the patio with Art's brother Danny and his wife Peggy (sorry, every so often the pictures don't turn out), before heading out to dinner at Shame on the Moon, one of our favorite places. (A prize to anyone who knows where the name came from....)
On Sunday, friends and colleagues Andrew and Elaine visited from Vancouver
Once again, wine on the patio, before heading out to a new (to me) restaurant, Niro's, for Eastern European (or, as they like to call it) continental food. I love having "foodies" for friends - they take me to the nicest places!
And, to top off the week, a party, thrown at the Desert Princess golf club by one of our excercise group couples, Betty and Dennis.
...and the rest of the gang...

Great food, endless champaigne, great friends (don't we all clean up well?), karaoke, dancing - a wonderful time was had by all!
With all this eating and drinking, is it any wonder that I don't lose weight, in spite of spending an hour and a half every day at the gym?
And, to come home, with the top down, in the balmy air, and yet another wonderful sky...
Are you guys bored with hearing how happy I am? Sorry, but it beats the alternative!!!!
For lighter reading, I am readying two books of short stories, by Nathan Englander (what we talk about when we talk about Anne Frank) and Sholom Auslander(Hope: A tragedy) both books that only Survivor's children could write! And for a little light porn, I recommend the "grey" series (check the New York Times best seller list, believe it or not!)
I also read the Sunday New York Times every week, the New Yorker magazine, and Art passes on The National Standard, a right wing rag that is less rabid and more thoughtful than most!
So I do spend several hours every day reading. You know, I really believe that Palm Springs is where they should have looked for the fountain of youth. Between the warm dry air and the sunshine, the time to keep your mind going with books and magazines and scrabble and bridge, the good food and the lack of stress - no wonder people live to be 100!
And, to add to the cultural offerings, there was the Metropolitan Opera in the Movies on Saturday. I can't recommend these performances highly enough. For those of you who have managed to escape seeing an opera before this, you really should go. It is the best way to get introduced to the opera. Every seat is a front row seat, they are comfortable, you are surrounded by people who love the opera, the sound is wonderful, you can see every button on the Met's magnificent costumes, and, oh, by the way, did I mention the music? Last week, it was Massenet's Manon, a wonderful production all around. if you want to check out the movie theaters in your area where they are being shown. (Have I said this before? Oh well, it bears repeating!)
There have been the usual dinners out this week....
Art, relaxed
Wally also we had drinks on the patio with Art's brother Danny and his wife Peggy (sorry, every so often the pictures don't turn out), before heading out to dinner at Shame on the Moon, one of our favorite places. (A prize to anyone who knows where the name came from....)
On Sunday, friends and colleagues Andrew and Elaine visited from Vancouver
Once again, wine on the patio, before heading out to a new (to me) restaurant, Niro's, for Eastern European (or, as they like to call it) continental food. I love having "foodies" for friends - they take me to the nicest places!
And, to top off the week, a party, thrown at the Desert Princess golf club by one of our excercise group couples, Betty and Dennis.
Betty and Dennis, our illustrious hosts....
...and the rest of the gang...
With all this eating and drinking, is it any wonder that I don't lose weight, in spite of spending an hour and a half every day at the gym?
And, to come home, with the top down, in the balmy air, and yet another wonderful sky...
Are you guys bored with hearing how happy I am? Sorry, but it beats the alternative!!!!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Another week in paradise
I keep on thinking I should feel guilty about being such a slug, but I can't. It is just too devine. That is the long way of saying I didn't do much of anything this week. No, wait, I did accomplish something. I found two new favorite watering holes. The first, Trilusa, I had visited before for dinner.
Now, I've discovered the bar. It's always nice to find a friendly local bar that is staggering distance from home. Trilusa is. Unfortunately, Tropicale, downtown, is not. I was introduced to the place this week by friend Geoff, and it is very Palm Springs. Mid-century modern, desert colours, and, of course, happy hour. I'll just have to hold myself to one drink, though, or have some of their excellent tapas before I head home.
I did go to the movies this week, and saw a little film called Jeff, Who Lives In The Basement. It was not hugely profound, but it was a sweet little file, which left me with that "feel good" taste. I recommend it!
And, not to be forgotten, Opera in the Park happened this Sunday. I got to the park early, set up my chair, and read my Sunday New York Times while listening to the singers rehearsing. The concert is put on to showcase the winners of the Metropolitan Opera's auditions; the singers are young, with strong voices, and lots of enthusiasm. And, of course, they always perform the best arias, showcasing each voice a number of times, and, of course, a number of ensembles.
The voices were wonderful, the weather was perfect, the crowd was large and enthusiastic - another wonderful afternoon in the desert.
Finally, I ended the weekend with a two hour walk in the desert. Stop here, if you are already bored with my desert pictures....
In short, I couldn't be happier, and am already dreading coming up north in June.
There's ntertainment...
..and drinks at happy hour prices!
Now, I've discovered the bar. It's always nice to find a friendly local bar that is staggering distance from home. Trilusa is. Unfortunately, Tropicale, downtown, is not. I was introduced to the place this week by friend Geoff, and it is very Palm Springs. Mid-century modern, desert colours, and, of course, happy hour. I'll just have to hold myself to one drink, though, or have some of their excellent tapas before I head home.
I did go to the movies this week, and saw a little film called Jeff, Who Lives In The Basement. It was not hugely profound, but it was a sweet little file, which left me with that "feel good" taste. I recommend it!
And, not to be forgotten, Opera in the Park happened this Sunday. I got to the park early, set up my chair, and read my Sunday New York Times while listening to the singers rehearsing. The concert is put on to showcase the winners of the Metropolitan Opera's auditions; the singers are young, with strong voices, and lots of enthusiasm. And, of course, they always perform the best arias, showcasing each voice a number of times, and, of course, a number of ensembles.
notice the soprano's hair curlers.....
...and the enthusiastic orchestra...
The voices were wonderful, the weather was perfect, the crowd was large and enthusiastic - another wonderful afternoon in the desert.
Finally, I ended the weekend with a two hour walk in the desert. Stop here, if you are already bored with my desert pictures....
In short, I couldn't be happier, and am already dreading coming up north in June.
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