A few left over pictures from San Francisco (which, by the way, seems a world away).... These are from the deYonge Museum.....
...and Hank's cat makes a rare appearance...
Indeed, this is how I know I have probably, over this last series of visits, overstayed my welcome. The cat has avoided me for 8 years. If it has now decided to bow to the inevitable (i.e., if this woman is going to keep coming, I guess I better be friends), I have for sure been here too often (although, in his defence, Hank says not)!
My house in Steveston has now been on the market for about three weeks, with no offers yet. Those of you who know Vancouver know that the market has been grossly overheated, mustly supported, it must be said, by Hong Kong money. It is now slowing down a bit, for a number of reasons (including a slowdown and devaluation of said Chinese money) and I might have missed the market. I don't mind much; I really love my place. I just thought I would take the opportunity to put some money in my jeans for travelling. I've looked around at what's on offer, and I certainly would be able to get something quite nice (still having room for visitors, not to worry) and still pocket a few hundred thousand. Well, there are two open houses this weekend. We shall see.
Meanwhile, I have been taking advantage of Steveston (going out between the raindrops, as far as that is possible).
It is lovely, isn't it? But one pays quite a premium to live in Steveston, and if I am only going to be here four months of the year, it isn't worth it to me. I'd rather be in Egypt, or on the Trans Siberian Railway, or the Galapagos, or.....well, you get the idea.
What else have I been doing? Well, dating actually. What a concept! I have tried a new website (that's all the details I will bore you with, to protect the guilty), and have actually been contacted some age appropriate, good looking, and hardly damaged at all men. It has done wonders for me, really. Not only has it made me feel attractive and desirable, but it has solidified in my mind what I want from a relationship. That is, what I don't want, which is someone else in my life 24/7. Having people to play with, though, has been a lovely change. None of what I have been doing can be dignified as a relationship yet, but it has been fun. If a big love (I can't say "the love of my life"; I've done that already) knocks on my door, I will no doubt let you know!
I've been working some. Workers' Compensation has no work right now, so mainly I am working for the Mental Health Review Board, and I'm finding it very disconcerting. I (and two other panel members) have someone else's liberty in my hands. The patients I have seen are all intelligent, even personable, but their lives are train wrecks, and they have a screw or two loose. It really is very, very sad, but it does have the benefit of making one realize how very, very lucky we are.
I've also been helping friend Robin pack up her mother's apartment. Robin, Debbie and I went to law school at the University of British Columbia together, and have been getting into trouble together ever since. However, we are also always there for each other. I will never forget Robin and Debbie coming to Salt Spring Island to help us pack up the house there. I had to issue gloves and masks because of the excessive mouse poop in the (unfinished) basement! So I certainly owe Robin this much. The three of us have spent two full days, with one more still to come. All (or at least most) of us are of the age when we are doing this for our parents (mine had the good grace to die young and while I was far away from home), but doing it while someone is alive (albeit in a nursing home) is a bit ghoulish at best, and Robin, old softie that she is, is having a hard time.
I must say the packing crew was amply paid last Friday, by a dinner at Shares, a new "small plates" place in Morgan Creek. Foodie alert' this is highly recommended if you get to this neck of the woods.
My theater (and bridge) friend Tom had an aborted theater episode. London Underground is a play that received much hype, and was sold out in London. However, as done by the United Players at Jericho - well, we gave the second half a miss.
I have been missing my duplicate bridge, and haven't scouted out a partner for duplicate here. But the boys and I have had one "dinner and bridge" evening, with another to come next week, so that is good. I adore our evenings. The bridge is good (except for mine, of course), and we laugh and laugh...l
There have been some events. Most recently, a former colleague at the Workers Compensation Appeal Tribunal retired. We worked together for 15 years, and there are not too many of the old guard left, so attention must be paid.....
Sorry about the blur, but Mickey's speech had to be memoralized somehow...
.....the Juke Box Man (aka Gerry) takes me for an early birthday dinner on the beach at White Rock on one of our few sunny days....
.....and, finally, Nora attends a political (aka Conservative) fundraiser.
Kerry Lynne Findlay, our MP (Member of Parliament)
Jason Kenny, Immigration Minister (right)
Malcolm Brody, mayor of Richmond
..and Maureen and Eric, who roped me into this...
Alright, you've got me, I am a registered Conservative. I would be a libertarian if I could; I just plain don't believe that the government is the answer to everything, and Steven Harper's conservatives have the brains not to mess with already settled social issues (which they don't inherently agree with) such as gay marriage, abortion rights, etc. and to deal with the economy with some brains. There you have it; my dirty secret revealed!
So, on that note, happy Canada Day, Happy 4th of July, and happy summer. And I promise to be a better correspondent!