Oh, right, It was Sunday, and Hank and I had gone to Hardly Strictly Bluegrass. Monday was a holiday, Columbus Day, in San Francisco, so Hank had the day off work. We couldn't work up the energy to drive down to Santa Cruz, so instead, we went to the movies, seeing two movies I would never see but for Hank dragging me kicking and screaming to them. This is sounding familiar - have I told you this before? I know, I know, if I were more technologically savvy, I could go back and check the previous blog without worrying that I would lose this page, but I'm not, so bear with me. We first saw Perks of Being a Wall Flower, one he Hank's favorite genres, coming of age movies. Usually not my cup of tea, as mentioned, but this one was really quite good, with some good dialogue and acting, and, for a change, some unexpected twists and turns. Thumbs up again, and the same for the next one, Frankenweenies, a Tim Burton extravaganza, quite witty (I love his subtle - or not so subtle, since I caught them - references to old movies). Not as good as some of his others, but worth seeing nonetheless.
On Tuesday, I shipped Hank back to work, and took myself off to Golden Gate Park.....
.....and the De Jonge Museum....
....visiting some of my old favourites there, as well as seeing the special exhibit about Nureyev (no pictures allowed - sorry - but the costumes were fabulous) and on Paley (of CBS fame)'s collection, under the heading of Modernism. Both were quite interesting, and took me where I had never been before - just what a museum is meant to do.
I even had a chance to treat myself to a milk shake at Mel's Diner...
On Wednesday, I took Bart (everyone thinks that I am against public transportation - I love it, actually, when it works, as it does in San Francisco) to the East Bay to have lunch with Jim, David's brother. Jim was always very supportive of us, and has been good about keeping in touch since David died. We try to get together whenever I am in the Bay Area. Since I have given up on fighting with him over the bill (that ship has sailed, I am afraid), we generally have a good time, and I get to catch up on all the family gossip - and not to feel guilty about talking about David too much. Jim's 81 years old now, and getting frail, I am afraid, but his mind is as sharp as a tack, which is a wonderful thing!
In the evening, I managed two more belt notches - a new restaurant and a new opera. The new restaurant is in the Inn at the Opera, which is, as you might expect, right across from the opera. It is Scandinavian (I don't remember the name - see above for why I am not looking it up for you) but I can say that the food was interesting - I had pickled herring for an appetizer and Swedish meatballs for a main course - as well as tasty, and, if I could remember its name, I would recommended it to you. (Someone please send me a teenager to help me manage this computer!!!)
As most of you know, San Francisco City Hall is right across from the opera house on the other side, and I couldn't resist taking a picture before we went in.
As it turns out, I should have waited until intermission - it is bathed in orange light at night right now, in honour of the San Francisco Giants making it to the playoffs! For sure, that is an "only in San Francisco" story!
The Opera? Well, first let me "Qvell" (for those uninitiated in Yiddish, that means "crow") about getting a rush ticket, for 14th row center - a $200 ticket - for $30! (one of the few benefits, besides retiring, of getting old!). The opera itself was Moby Dick, with music by Jake Heggie. It premiered a few years ago in Dallas, and, unlike most new operas, it is incredibly melodic, hugely powerful. Jay Hunter Morris as Captain Ahab was stellar, as was the all-male San Francisco Chorus. Staging, costumes, all were brilliant! Friend Peter and I thoroughly enjoyed both dinner and opera - and have confirmed that if we don't get tickets for Bayreuth this year (and it is not likely that we will, because there is a ten year wait and we have only been in the lottery for two years), we will go to the Glynbourne Opera Festival in England this summer. That is a big bucket list item for me, so I am very excited that we are going to nail it down.
And you guys wonder why I keep working whenever I can?
Thursday, Hank and I had arranged to meet friend Carolyn and husband George in Marin for dinner. Carolyn used to work with David in the Bank, and, more recently, with Hank, at a different bank. Husband George, who is in his 80's had several falls in recent memory, and as a result, several hospital stays. Neither Hank nor I had seen them for a while, so we were anxious to do so. We decided on the Buckhorn Roadside Inn, a Marin county tradition and their favourite restaurant.
And Friday, I came back to Vancouver. Once again, the trip was as it should be, uneventful, but it was long, and I was glad to get home.
Not that I did much lazing about. I had signed up for a knitting seminar/trade fair on Saturday. (No lectures, please, about how the last thing in the world that I need is more yarn!). I actually was too late for most of the lectures - they were sold out, would you believe - but I did get to see a lot of beautiful yarn, buy a bit of it, and get some tips from some experts on the fly. (One of the things I am trying to do in retirement is up my knitting game, taking it to the next level, pick your sports metaphor...)
And Saturday night, I went to a colleague's 60th birthday party. Kathy and I both lost our husbands from the same cancer within 6 months of each other, and it brought us closer than we might otherwise have been. She has found a new partner, and started a new life. Ken clearly adores her, and worked very hard to make the party a grand success, from the food....
...to the people....
....to a bagpiper playing and singing Happy Birthday...
.......to the birthday girl herself.
There were a lot of people I hadn't seen since her husband Keith's memorial 7 years ago, and a lot of former colleagues, who had either not had their contracts renewed or had retired, so there was lots of catching up do do. Very classy, great fun!
The rest of the week has been spent working (see above -noted expenses for why), and playing bridge - my usual bi-weekly kitchen bridge with the boys on Wednesday (where I came in first for a change!), and by now regular weekly duplicate with friend Robin on Thursday (once again we placed, making master points in the process). I am really not all that competitive - I don't care if I win as along as I play reasonably well - but I must say winning is nice!
Which brings me to the weekend, the time when most people go out, and I go to the office to catch up for the work I didn't do during the week! I don't mind, though - it is once again rainy and miserable in Vancouver, and the office is as good a place to be as anywhere. I can't wait to get to Palm Springs, though - a little more than 2 weeks from now! However, you will hear from me before then!