Merry Christmas , Happy Channukah, Kwanza, Divali, or, if you prefer, Happy Non-Denominational Holiday.
My arm is improving, but typing hasn`t gotten beyond the hunt and peck level yet (although I can reach the shift key for capitals, much to my relief), so this will be short.
First, update on the arm. They cut off the cast a few days ago - that was a process in and of itself - and now they have given me physiotherapy exercises to do on my own. Apparently, in the age of COVID, the physiotherapists don`t torture you any more, athey just teach you how to torture yourself!! The exercises are excruciatingly painful, but I am seeing results. Slowly, of course, way too slowly, But there is improvement. Stay tuned.
Just wanted to let everyone know that I am thinking of you. For all those who reached out - and there have been many - thank you. For those that didn`t, the silent wishes are also appreciated. And may all of us have a better 2021, full of health and love, happiness and peace.