Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving, Redux

Grr.!  This is why we have a love/hate relationship with technology.  I had written a (brilliant, of course) blog on the last day's events, and it seems to have disappeared into the ether.  Well, I will try again.

My day in San Francisco (Monday, the 21rst) was, as always wonderful.  San Francisco is always wonderful of course, but because it is filled with memories of David, and those memories have become comforting rather than painful, it is particularly wonderful for me.  I met friend Mary for lunch at the Museum of Modern Art; lunching at those sorts of places always makes me feel - oh, I don't know, sophisticated I guess.  The special exhibit was Richard Serra.  His sculptures are wonderful (Google him if you don't know his work, but no picture could do those massive pieces justice), but saw the photography exhibit as well, and the design exhibit too (nothing like seeing your 20 year old Braun juicer in an exhibit), before have a wonderful dinner at Bluestem.  Bluestem is a trendy new (relatively) steak house near the museum, and I can now highly recommend it, although I suggest you mortgage your first born before you go!

Home on the bus (yes, Virginia, in San Francisco buses run - and often - even at night), to collect myself for the long trip on Tuesday.

I picked up friend Peter at 9 A.M., and we headed south for Palm Springs.  We did miss the rush hour in San Francisco, but caught it in Los Angeles.  Actually, the traffic started at the grape vine, for those of you who know the route.  In any event, we were in Palm Springs by 7 P.M.  It is an easy drive, really, and with company, very pleasant.

Ah, and what can I say about Palm Springs?  Again, I will let the pictures do the talking...

I should say that the pool is 50 feet from my front door, and so few other people use it that I have taken to calling it "my pool".  The last picture is the view from my deck.  So, when are you coming?

So, I am off to do Thanksgiving like things.  Initially, I was supposed to cook, but, perhaps because my friends have tasted my cooking, plans were altered, and some one else is hosting.  I know, everyone always complains about the fuss and feathers around Thanksgiving, but I feel very lucky, and am glad to have the opportunity to express it.  Granted, we have all lost familyand/or friends, and most of us have health issues, and lord knows I am not a pollyanna (sorry PA!), but really, don't you feel lucky too?

Best to all. 

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