Sunday, March 18, 2012

Okay, So I'm Not in Palm Springs Yet

No, I'm not in Palm  Springs yet.  Soon though - I am  leaving in an hour (yes, at 3 A.M.) for Bellingham, to catch the 7 A.M. flight.  In the effort to keep myself awake, I thought I would catch you up.

I've noticed that while I have talked about spinning, and introduced you to the gym folk in Palm Springs, I never introduced the Vancouver people.  So, here they are, or at least some of them..

Debbie is not quite awake!

The shining faces which greet us every morning....

.....the equipment....

....."MY" bike!

...working hard

And yes, I actually work hard too!

And it is a good thing I do, too.  With all this coming and going, there also seems to be a lot of eating and drinking.  Case in point:  on Tuesday night, I met friend (and former law school classmate - we go back a few minutes) Philip, for three hours of martinis and talk at the swich Wedgewood Hotel downtown, a favorite watering hole.

Don't you hate people who get better looking as they get older?

 On Wednesday, more bridge, but with a twist.  Former bridge partner Jules has been spending a lot of time in China, but is back, at least temporarily.  He requested some friend time, so we decided on dinner at Milestones and bridge at my place for a change.  Throwing a monkey wrench into the works was the fact that the Milestones (one of a chain) where we were to meet had closed, and Dennis did not have a cellphone.  (yes, Virginia, there are legitimate reasons to have a cell phone).  We did - finally - all connect, and had dinner at another restaurant close by.

Jules and bride Ruicia

and the usual cast of characters, Dennis, yours truly, and John

With all the excitement about meeting, Jules had left his lights on, so we had to do the jumper-cable bit before we finally headed for my place for the much-delayed bridge game.  By the time we got our usual 24 hands in, it was after 1 A.M.!  Good thing you need less sleep as you get older!

The remainder of the week was spent in tying up loose ends - those of you who travel know the drill - no open wine bottles, no food left to spoil, mail-pick-up arranged, in my case invoices submitted (who would have stayed in this cold, wet weather but for the pay), and now, at last, I am ready to roll.  Next post will definitely be from Palm Springs, where I will be (with the exception of a few concert jaunts) for 8 weeks!  Hip hip hooray!

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