Saturday, September 13, 2014

Back to Reality

Well, back to reality.  I was back to work on Tuesday, September 2, and within minutes, I swear, it was as if I had never left.  Except.  Except.  I can still hear that glorious sound.

I can hear it, that is, between my coughing, hacking and wheezing.  Yes, one more time, I have that wondrous thing, airplane flu.  Thank god it only hits when you are coming back from a trip and not when you are heading out.  Well, it was five days of hell - not only did I think I was going to die, I wanted to - but it is more or less gone now.

I didn't let it interfere with the usual Thursday bridge at the bridge club, but it did slow me down enough so that I had to work on the weekend to make up the time.  Besides, I knew that the amount of work I would get done the following week would be minimal, as I was heading to Harrison Hot Springs for three days of bridge.  For those of you unfamiliar with it, it is, at advertised a hot springs resort about an hour and a half from Vancouver.  We all had such a great time last year, we decided to do it again.  Friend Robin and I drove together and roomed together, but didn't play together.  At the time planning was happening, I didn't think I would be able to do it so soon after Germany.  When I got home, though, sick or not, I thought I didn't want to miss it.  Someone else's partner had to bow out last minute, so it seemed fated that I would go.

The speaker was Barbara Seagram, one of the big names in the Canadian bridge world.  Here is Robin, selling Barbara's books...

And the lobby....

...and below new friend Deb, acting as greeter.  (There were 104 of us, and, as David always used to say, 10% never get the word...)

The food was plain fare, but fabulous, and never-ending...

..below left, Annabel, my partner for the week...

Meanwhile, outside.....

So it was walks around the lake in the morning and wine and hot pools after dinner and bridge.  Not too shabby, really.

Barbara (an old friend of my friend Tom's, by the way - Canada is really a very small place that way) was charming, and a fabulous teacher.

....and even graciously agreed to sign books and pose with a fan....

My new partner was also gracious; we laughed a lot, in spite of the usually gaffes that happen when partners aren't exactly communicating.  We managed to score some points anyway, and between that and new friends and food and learning lots, well, I loved it lots.

Believe it or not, I had committed to dinner and bridge with the boys on Wednesday night, after all that.  After all, I hadn't seen them since I got back from Germany, and I have to keep my fans happy!  It was a bit rushed, but I managed to get there in time for a quick bite, and .....some more bridge.

...followed by bridge at the club on Thursday ...

And now, it really is back to work, Friday and Saturday, and tomorrow as well, with nothing much booked for the week.  Thank god.

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