Friday, April 10, 2020

A Theory

So, apparently, the medical sleuths in the US knew about this thing since November, including the Sceptic in Chief.  In Canada, they've had inklings since January.  But really, how can you blame them?  The numbers from Canada, according to CBC:  as of March 10, there were 12 confirmed cases; as of today, there are 21,000! 

So here's my theory.  Some of you may know that I visited Egypt arounf 5 years ago with (deceased) friend Hank.  (How I miss him, especially in these interesting times.) While I was there, I got very, very sick with MERS, Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome, which I apparently caught from a nasty camel in Jorden, visited as part of our travels there.  As a result of tender nursing by our friend Ted, I recovered.  But MERS is a Corona type virus.  Is it possible that I have developed an immunity?  Not to worry; I'm not going to test the theory by putting myself in harms way, but it's an interesting thought....

More good news.  I am loving the contact - via email and Messenger, of course - with friends and family I am not in regular contact with.  (Not estranged from, but just not in regular contact with....)  Just about everyone has checked in, some more than once, and I think that this might continue.....

Just finishing The Nursing Home Murder, the last of my Ngaio Marsh trilogy.  I've had enough already.  I still want to know what happens, but the style is starting to wear.  Time for something else.  I'm spoiled for choice, so I will certainly have a new book to report on the next time we talk....

And I've saved the best news for last.  My bridge club in Palm Springs has reopened!  Virtually, of course, but still.  I can now play on line, in my own club, with my own friends, five days a week.  I've already played in two games.  It's not the same, of course, and I do miss my hugs and the friendly chatter, but it is a welcome addition.  Thanks, Scott, and all, for making this happen....

....still walking, sometimes twice a day (for a total of 6 miles a day), so found a few more hearts for health care workers.....

.....and I have been told by reliable sources (i.e. the CBC) that the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy are considered essential services, and will continue to work.

...and, pandemic or no, spring has still arrived.... has Easter, Passover and Ramadan.  A time for renewal for all....

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