Thursday, July 16, 2015


Moving will do that to you, I guess.  Everything one picks up is a memory.  Or almost everything.  Sometimes its "What the hell is that?"  Or, often, "What did I save that for?"  I get that "stuff" is only meaningful to the person whose stuff it is - no one else cares.  But my memory is so bad that this "stuff" is what seems to tether me to the earth.  You know, I read this when....We were [fill in the blank] when we bought this.  And, of course, David is everywhere...

So, in spite of the fact that I am bone tired - moving will do that to you too (I am definitely getting too old for this...) - my nights are full of weird dreams about people I haven't thought about in years....

Back on Planet Earth, played bridge with Robin today (and yes, I have time to do that.  I've moved often enough to have it down to an art), and we played well together, a real partnership.  Robin and I have known each other for 40 years, but there were times when we didn't see each other so often. It is a joy to be renewing our friendship with these weekly bridge outings.

And tonight, joined friends Heather and Jack, and colleague Susan, for a National Theater Live in HD outing at the movies.  You know my motto:  there is no such thing as a bad night at the theater.  I must say, though, this came as close to a bad night at the theater as it gets.  It was a new version of Everyman, written by Carol Ann Duffy.  You know some version of this, death comes for Everyman, who, in running from death, realizes the hash he has made of life.  Great premise, and not bad writing.  And, actually, great acting.  I loathed the staging, however (as did we all); the director should be strung up by his balls.  Or, as Jack put it so much more nicely, "It wasn't very subtle, was it?"  But dinner with the folks was great - I hadn't seen Jack and Heather since coming back from Palm Springs, and both are looking and sounding great..  Okay, I take it back, there is no such thing as a bad night in the theater! 

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