Monday, October 20, 2014

As advertised, dateline Palm Springs.

The last week in Vancouver was quiet - a few last minute coffees and lunches with friends and colleagues, a last minute flurry to sign outstanding files at work, lots of goodbye hugs, and then on Thursday night, Gerry (otherwise known as The Juke Box Man) picked me up.  I stayed at his house on Thursday night, and on Friday morning at the crack of dawn, he drove me to Bellingham , Washington to catch my flight (he lives about 5 minutes from the border).  The weather cooperated:  it was pissing rain and very cold, making me extremely happy to be leaving for the south.

The flight is, as they all should be, uneventful, and faithful neighbor Michael was at the airport in Palm Springs to pick me up.  As has become the tradition, we went to Manhattan in the Desert for deli food on the way home.

And then, finally, home.  I had forgotten how great it looks.  Just in case you've forgotten too....

I just love it, inside......

...and out.....

So, I'll just say it one more time - you guys have a bedroom here with your name on it, should you wish to come.  And oh, by the way, it is sunny and 84 degrees....

After getting groceries and meeting the new park manager, I settled in to read five months worth of mail (easily dispatched), and then curled up with a drink and a book.  Art and Wally came over after dinner to make me feel welcome.  On Saturday, I visited friends, went to the library (just in case I didn't have enough to read...), and then neighbors and friends dropped over (apparently word had gotten out that I was home - must have been all that riding around with my straw hat and the top down....) and we smoozed til dark.

So, seeing as everything was fine (all infrastructure and operating systems, including wireless, television and phone, all working), it was time to leave again.  Really, this was pre-planned ages ago - Art and I were off Sunday morning....

....on the way to Las Vegas for a sectional bridge tournament.  The drive was a little longer than it might have been because of traffic, but between me reading articles to Art from the Sunday New York Times and just catching up, well, we did not run out of things to talk about.

The tournament is at Tropicana, but we are staying at Circus Circus, at the other end of the strip.  It was way cheaper (as in it cost $39 a night), and we have found over the years that it is nice to get away from the bridge action for some down time between sessions.

More on Vegas itself next time.  Meanwhile, I need my rest for tonight's session.  (For those of you keeping score, I think we picked up some points this morning....)

We will be here through Friday, so more anon...

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