Sunday, January 18, 2015

Potential Visitors Take Note - This is the Best Time to be in Palm Springs

It really is glorious - high 70's during the day and 50's at night.  Eat your heart out Vancouver - and just about any place else for that matter.   And yes, I know, given that, I spend altogether too much time indoors.  But, in my defense, I do spend a lot of time outdoors on my patio - and, of course, driving with my top down.

I left you playing bridge with Robin last Monday.  I will pick it up on Tuesday, playing bridge with alternate partner. Nancy, a really good player, but with a fuse a little too short for my liking.  It remains to be seen how long the partnership will last, but for the moment, as long as we are earning master points, all is forgiven.

Wednesday, neighbor Michael wanted to go see Into the Woods.  I am not, generally speaking, a big Meryl Streep fan (yes, I do know that I am the only person in the universe who is not a Meryl Streep fan!) but I wanted to see the movie as well.  I first saw the play, oh, it must be 30 years ago now,on Broaday, with Bernadette Peters as the witch.  Have you guys seen it?  I thought the movie was charming, and can see why Streep got an Oscar nod.  Two thumbs up on this one.

On Wednesday, I picked up friend Mariah from the airport (see, more outdoor time, waiting in the cell phone parking lot with the top down).  She is here from Seattle for 6 weeks, and, as her place is just 5 doors down from mine, we will, hopefully, be seeing a lot of each other.  We started, though, as we always do, with breakfast at Sherman's Deli.

(Yes, even their salads are huge!)

We spent the rest of the day, and the following one, trying to get the old PT Cruiser (once mine, now hers) in running order, and with all the paperwork ducks in a row.  It took all day on Thursday, and included a drive to the Cabazon Outlet Mall (had to drive the car at least 50 miles so that it would pass the smog test).  Oh darn, I was forced to buy a Coach bag to make the trip worth while!  What I won't do for friendship!  But, mission accomplished.  Smog test passed, registration changed to Mariah's name, California title on the way.

For those of you who don't know the story of the PT Cruiser, I got it a the time of David's last illness, because it was a car he could get into and out of from the wheelchair.  He loved me to take him for a ride in the car, which could easily hold the wheelchair and all the other trappings of illness.  I was facilitated in keeping it in the family by another friend, who purchased it from me after David died, with the promise that he would return it when he no longer needed it.  That happened last fall, and now it is with Mariah, a soul if not a blood sister.    It makes me think of Davie every time I am in it.  And, even with 300,000 clicks on the odometer, it seems to be running fine,

The weather remained fine, and so Saturday was a pool day.  Rather than being on my own, though, as I usually am (although in theory, it is a community pool), Mariah joined me, so the chatter continued.

Saturday evening, there was an "event" at the Galen Art Museum to which I, as a member, was invited.  It was a reception and "no host" bar in honour of the opening of a new exhibit, called "Personalities"Fantasy and Identity in Photography and New Media".

No pictures allowed inside the exhibit - not that that I particularly wanted to take any pictures (wasn't hugely impressed!!).  As for the reception, well, I didn't know a soul, and after several vain attempts to strike up conversation, and having had my fill of canapes and sparkling water, I left.  It is definitely a class of people I should be cultivating, but, you know, I just don't have the patience (or, probably, the jewelry) to do it.

So, Sunday.  My usual early morning walk to Starbucks for the New York Times was followed by my usual lazy Sunday reading it, with the help of a number of cups of coffee, and some freshly squeezed grapefruit juice (the best reason for not taking cholesterol medication, that grapefruit juice!)
We ("we" being Mariah and me) finished off the day by going to the movies (hey, it is Oscar season, and I only have 4 weeks o see all the nominees!).  We saw The Imitation Game, and it is a wonderful movie.  Who would have thought that someone with the name of Cumberbatch would be Oscar material?  He sure is, though.  Wonderful film, wonderful story, wonderful acting.  Another two thumbs up!

So, what else have I done since last we spoke.  I finished a number of books.  Angel of Darkness by Caleb Carr, is a mystery, of sorts, but set in New York in the 1890's so its very - atmospheric, I guess is the word I'm looking for.  Carr's other book, which I read some time ago, was "The Alienist"  - his "detective" is the 1890's answer to today's "mentalist" (a la the t.v. show).  I liked both books, but I am sure that these books wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea.  Also finished a book called Empress Dowager Cixi by Jung Chang.  It was a fascinating book, about the Empress Dowager of China who basically, from behind the Emperor's throne, brought about the modernization of China.  It was a fascinating book, which managed to make both her and China sympathetic.  And, to finish off the week, a piece of fluff by Alexander McCall Smith, called the Uncommon Appeal of Clouds.

You know that question, "...if you could have dinner with one living author, who would it be?"? My answer would definitely be McCall Smith.  He writes a number of series of books, The Number One Ladies Detective Agency (warm, light, positive); The Isabel Dalhousie Series, of which "Clouds" is one (more thoughtful, philosophical); The 44 Scotland Street Series (darker, more pessimistic about human nature).  It is almost as if he has a split personality.  I would love to meet him.  I have a few more of his books on the nighttable; that's the best I can do for the moment.

Well, so much for this week; more anon.

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