Sunday, November 10, 2019

......there's always the pool......

I don't think I had one pool day last season.  I was busy busy busy, and those days when I was actually at home, it was too cool for the pool.

I am determined not to let another season go by, and the weather has been glorious the last few days....

There are about 50 units up here in the north end of the park, and the pool is supposed to be for all of us, but there are only a few of us who use it, and mostly not at the same time.  So, on a beautiful Saturday and Sunday, it was only me.

And I am happy to tell you that my only retirement skill is still operational.  For those of you who don't know what it is, well, I have learned to read a book, on my float, in the pool, without getting the book wet!!!A useful skill, no?

Speaking of books, I have several to report on.  The first is Rockonomics, by Alan Kruger, about the economics of the rock business.  Not profound, but interesting.  Next up, Tidelands, by Phillipa Gregory.  She is the author who writes about all the Tudor women.   (Her books are always front and center in the library, which, after Trader Joe's, is my first port of call when I get back.) This is something different for her - still a historical woman, but a poor one, living in the Tidelands, at the time of Charles I and the Roundheads and the total chaos that was England at the time.  Interesting, before this year, I knew almost nothing about the period, and in recent memory, I have now read three (including this one) books about it, the first an autobiography of Charles I, the second about the restoration of his son to the British throne, and now this one.

Fits in with my favourite metaphor.  Life is like a jigsaw puzzle, and as we get older, more and more pieces have touching sides...

Finally, I found a book called Courting Lincoln, by Louis Bayard.  It is looking at Abraham Lincoln through the eyes of Mary Todd Lincoln, his wife, and Joshua Speed, his best friend.  Even though I knew from the start it would end badly, I was riveted - the sign of a good read, I guess

I am already started on my next one, but will save that for another time.  My dinner awaits.  I cook way more here than I do up north;  all this free food needs to be used.....

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