Friday, August 6, 2021

Another week (okay, 3) and the world has changed


Friend Sue and I went for lunch at Billy Reeds.  Twice.  (Actually, the first time was for dinner....)  Sue had never been there before - I actually don't think she had ever heard of it - and it is one of my favourites - so I had to introduce her to it.   She loves it, and it is so fun when you introduce a friend to one of your favs and she loves it too.  It is really only a glorified diner, but it has been a Palm Springs go- to for forever - it is still on the list!!!!

Also went on Thursday to Encina. for a get together with the bunch from the gym....

... we have these get-togethers five or six times a year, and even the heat of the summer can't stop us!

But all that has stopped now.  The bridge club has "paused" face-to-face games even for the fully vaccinated, to see how the new Delta variant of COVID plays out.  The gym and zumba are still open, but I have paused them, discretion being the better part of valour and all of that.  It is sort of fitting that the gym get-together will be my last (local) outing for a while.  Dorothy's (pictured immediately above) 80th birthday party, in March 2019, was the last outing before everything closed down then....

I am going on an outing, though, previously planned and not readily cancelled.  I am heading out to San Francisco and Santa Fe for opera, and any other cultural events that I can fit into 10 days....  I'm going with Peter, my long time opera buddy.  I will be careful of course, double mask on the plane, etc.  Let's hope for the best.

I will probably not write while I'm gone - I am not taking a computer - and the book list will have to wait.  Can't do it now.

Ta ta for now....

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